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Massage Austin

Ashiatsu - Why is it so good for you?

Ashiatsu - Why is it so good for you?

Massage Austin

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our Massage Therapy is truly like no other.

East 2 West Wellness is rooted in Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy which translates to,

"The Deepest, Most Luxurious Massage on the Planet."  We provide the absolute finest quality of massage therapy available in the Austin Area for pain management and relaxation.



Here is a basic demonstration

of the technique...


Click link below for more information about Ashiatsu from Julianne's instructors

     Only a few forms of massage use the hands above the head. The roots of Ashiatsu came first from the Philippines and then from India. This American adaptation, attributed to Ruthie Harper, is truly a Western phenomenon! Our application of this barefoot massage technique uses deep compression effleurage strokes that glide over the body.  Ballet Bars are used above the head for balance and essential oil provided for the smoothest treatment.

The results relieve symptoms of soft tissue damage and in some cases a structural change.East 2 West Wellness also loves to serve you with hot towels and essential aromatherapy to soothe sinus pressure - all gratis - including Hot Stones upon request.Enjoy a longer life with the active and preventative power of deep massage therapy - Make shift happen, and enjoy your life today!


The Japanese word "Ashiatsu" at its root means "foot pressure," which is different from "Shiatsu" meaning "pressure points."  The 2 forms are similar in purpose but differentiate by process of technique.



Discover a Superior Austin Massage

What to expect...​  See you soon!

Following a short medical intake process, your past and current health history will be discussed and areas of injury or discomfort will be addressed during the treatment. The hands and the surface of my feet are used to provide broad and even pressure to the larger muscle groups.  This method maximizes the total reformation and relaxation you receive from your session due to the exclusively balanced technique provided.  Benefits of Ashiatsu include alleviation of chronic back pain, deep muscle relaxation and improved posture due to the therapies used which elongate the spine. Discover Ashiatsu Therapy - a beautiful blend of modern Swedish and ancient Asian medicine to bring you the best of the East to the West.



Discover a Superior Austin Massage

​          East 2 West Wellness provides the best Austin Massage to help soothe achy muscles and ease away tension.  Massage has also been proven to manage anxiety and depression, increase immunity, and help regulate blood pressure.  Skilled Acupuncture is also available to deepen your healing process.
          It's second nature to comfort a distraught friend by rubbing her shoulder, or to instinctively rub your big toe to ease pain after stubbing it.  Massage operates on a similar premise, and has been used throughout the ages for pain management, relaxation and healing. Our Austin Massage increases blood and lymph circulation, and improves tissue quality while stimulating and calming nerves.  Massage can assist in healing injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments, and regenerate your daily quality of life.  Discover a Superior Austin Massage. 
                                                    Make Shift Happen - Do No Harm - Enjoy your Life!
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Almost dying and close to paralysis, her skull trauma and broken bones have made it impossible to work, go to the grocery store, or do many of the everyday tasks we depend on.  Furthermore, her car has been repossessed, and her utilities are in jeopardy.  Please take just a second to donate to her survival.  

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